The reporting API offers advertisers a programmatic way to access data that is present on the dashboard. Your Reporting API Key is the same for all of your apps. Each app has a unique Reporting API ID, which you can find on its respective application page. You can find your Reporting API Key here.
Security is handled in the request header. Find your Reporting API Key in the Account page of the Liftoff Direct Dashboard. If you don't already have a Reporting API Key, email tech-support@vungle.com to request one.
Request Headers
Key | Value | Description |
Authorization | Bearer [API Key] | API Key |
Vungle-Version | 1 | API Version |
Accept | text/csv or application/json | Accepted data format for results. Default is text/csv. |
- Format: We support JSON and CSV outputs, specified in the request header.
- Date range: Historical information is available for up to six months. To retrieve older data, email your account manager or contact tech-support@vungle.com.
- Time zone: UTC is our default time zone, and cannot be changed at this time.
- In the event of no data: Please note that if there is no data available for your query, Liftoff sends back an empty '200' response. This indicates that the request has succeeded, but there is no data available to return.
Resource: GET /reports/spend
Filter Parameters
Use filter parameters to restrict the results to a subset of your spend data. Most filters are optional, and if they are excluded, Liftoff returns all results for that filter.
Parameter name | Format | Action | If Unavailable | Example |
start |
ISO8601 date | Limits the result set to data no earlier than this date | Rejects request | start=2019-01-01 |
end |
ISO8601 date | Limits the result set to data no later than this date | Rejects request | end=2019-01-02 |
country |
Comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country codes | Returns only spend data matching the listed countries | Returns all countries | Returns all countries Returns all countries country=US,CA,AU |
applicationId |
Comma-separated list of Liftoff Application IDs to return | Returns only spend data for the listed applications | Returns all applications | applicationId=586e201e242e3fd308000220 applicationId=586e201e242e3fd308000220,585849c3756684a50c0000a0 |
campaignId |
Comma-separated list of Liftoff campaign IDs | Returns only data for the listed campaigns | Returns all campaigns | campaignId=586e201e242e3fd308000220 campaignId=586e201e242e3fd308000220,585849c3756684a50c0000a0 |
creativeId |
Comma-separated list of Liftoff creative IDs | Returns only spend data for the listed creatives | Returns all creatives | creativeId=586e201e242e3fd308000220 creativeId=586e201e242e3fd308000220,585849c3756684a50c0000a0 |
siteId |
Comma-separated list of publisher site IDs | Returns only spend data for the listed sites | Returns all publishers | siteId=586e201e242e3fd308000220 siteId=586e201e242e3fd308000220,585849c3756684a50c0000a0 |
accountId |
Comma-separated list of publisher account IDs | Returns only spend data for the listed accounts | Returns all accounts | accountId=58e71dd7294039844b0001c7 |
placementId |
Comma-separated list of publisher placement IDs | Returns only spend data for the listed placements | Returns all placements | placementId=5bc9877224291f02aee8741c |
adType |
Comma-separated list of ad types | Returns only spend data for the listed ad types | Returns all ad types | adType=banner,mrec,video,fullscreen |
adSize |
Comma-separated list of ad sizes | Returns only spend data for the listed ad sizes | Returns all ad sizes | adsize=728x90,default,320x50,300x50 |
Dimensions Parameter
Use dimensions to make your reports more or less granular. Send dimensions as a comma-separated list under a dimensions
parameter. If you do not explicitly request a dimension, Liftoff does not break the report down by that dimension.
Using the Dimensions Parameter
Parameter name | Format | Example |
dimensions |
Comma-separated list of specific strings, listed in the following table | dimensions=platformdimensions=campaign,creative,date |
Available Dimensions
Dimension Name | Returns | Sample Return | Endpoints |
platform |
Grouped by platform string | platformiOS |
spend |
account |
Grouped by Liftoff Account ID | account5808AA57cdf5f9eb6d000060 |
spend |
application |
Grouped by application ID and application Name | application ID58086457cdf5f9eb6d000060 application name Toy Blast iOS |
spend |
campaign |
Grouped by campaign ID and campaign Name | campaign ID58086457cdf5f9eb6d000060 campaign name Toy Blast iOS CA iPhone |
spend |
date |
Grouped by date | date2019-01-01 |
spend |
country |
Grouped by country | countryUS |
spend |
creative |
Grouped by creative ID and creative name | creative ID58086457cdf5f9eb6d000060 creative name Toy Blast Landscape IEC |
spend |
site |
Grouped by publisher app object ID and publisher app name | site ID58086457cdf5f9eb6d000060 site name Sonic Dash iOS |
spend |
placement |
Grouped by placement |
placement_id 599306279c57ddf458005ee2 |
spend |
adType |
Grouped by adType |
banner |
spend |
adSize |
Grouped by adSize |
728x90 |
spend |
For dimensions requiring a name lookup (for example, 'Site Name'), if Liftoff is unable to retrieve the lookup, we return an 'Unknown' string in place of the name.
Aggregates Parameter
Use aggregates to define which performance data interests you. Send aggregates as a comma-separated list under an aggregates
parameter. If no aggregate is in the list, Liftoff assumes that you do not wish to receive that data.
Using the Aggregates Parameter
Parameter name | Format | Example |
aggregates |
Comma-separated list of specific strings, listed in the following table | aggregates=views aggregates=views,installs,ecpm |
Available aggregates
Dimension Name | Returns | Endpoints |
views |
integer | spend |
completes |
integer | spend |
clicks |
integer | spend |
installs |
integer | spend |
spend |
integer | spend |
ecpm |
(spend * 1000 / views) as a float | spend |
eCPI |
(spend /install ) as a float | spend |
(clicks/impressions) as a float | spend |
IR |
(installs/clicks) as a float | spend |
(installs/impressions) *1000 as a float |
spend |
Example 1: JSON Spend
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [API KEY]" \
-H "Vungle-Version:1" \
-H "Accept:application/json" \
-X GET "https://report.api.vungle.com/ext/adv/reports/spend?dimensions=date,country,platform&aggregates=views,spend&start=2019-01-01&end=2019-01-01"
"platform" : "iOS",
"date": "2019-01-01",
"country": "US",
"views": 1234,
"spend": 123.0
"platform" : "Android",
"date": "2019-01-01",
"country": "CA",
"view": 35,
"spend": 2.0
}, ...
Example 2: CSV Spend
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [API KEY]" \
-H "Vungle-Version:1" \
-H "Accept:text/csv" \
-X GET "https://report.api.vungle.com/ext/adv/reports/spend?dimensions=date,country,platform&aggregates=views,spend&start=2019-01-01&end=2019-01-01"
Example 3: ID/Name Expansion
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [API KEY]" \
-H "Vungle-Version:1" \
-H "Accept:application/json" \
-X GET "https://report.api.vungle.com/ext/adv/reports/spend?dimensions=campaign&aggregates=views,spend&start=2019-01-01&end=2019-01-01"
"campaign id" : "12345678",
"campaign name": "test campaign 1",
"views": 1234,
"spend": 123.0