Integrate Native Ads

To integrate any ad format, you must first have completed the instructions in the basic integration article.

Native ads are composed of assets that are presented to users via UI components native to the platform. They’re displayed using the same classes you already use in your storyboards, and can be formatted to match your app's visual design. When a native ad loads, your app receives an ad object containing its assets, and your app (rather than the SDK) is then responsible for displaying them. This differs from other ad formats, which don't allow you to customize the appearance of the ad.

Broadly speaking, there are two parts to successfully implementing native ads: loading an ad via the SDK and displaying the ad content in your app.

Create a Native Ad

  1. To integrate a native ad in your iOS app, import VungleAdsSDK, and add an instance variable for VungleNative in your ViewController.swift file (or ViewController.h file for Objective-C).
    import UIKit
    import VungleAdsSDK
    class LONativeAdViewController: UIViewController {
        private var nativeAd: VungleNative?
  2. Add the code below to your method where you want to prepare the VungleNative instance. To create the VungleNative, you will need a Placement ID.
    self.nativeAd = VungleNative(placementId: <YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID>)
    self.nativeAd?.delegate = self

    Note that you must set your ViewController (or any class that declares conformance to VungleNativeDelegate) to the delegate property of the VungleNative instance (refer to the Register for Callbacks section below).

Load a Native Ad

  1. Once you create the VungleNative instance, you can load an ad by calling load().
    self.nativeAd = VungleNative(placementId: <YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID>)
    self.nativeAd?.delegate = self
  2. Your ViewController (or any class that conforms to VungleNativeDelegate) will receive notification of load success or error through delegate callback methods (refer to the Register for Callbacks section below).

Prepare the Native Ad for Display

Playing a native ad is different from playing other ad formats. You are responsible for the layout and presentation of the ad. To begin, refer to this native ad layout and description of UI elements.

Native Ad UI Elements


These are the UI elements illustrated in the layout above:

  1. UIView: A main view that contains all other native ad components
  2. UIImageView: A view to display an icon image
  3. VungleMediaView: A view to display a main image
  4. UILabel: A label to display the ad title
  5. UILabel: A label to display app rating
  6. UILabel: A label to display "Sponsored By" text
  7. UIImage: Privacy icon image (refer to the Display Privacy Icon section below)
  8. UILabel: A label to display ad body text
  9. UIButton: A button to display Call to Action (CTA) text

You must prepare UIViews (1), UILabel (4, 5, 6), and UIButtons (9) inside the main UIView (a container to hold all components for a Native ad). You must create the UI elements listed below (with the exception of UIImage (7, the Privacy icon image, which is discussed in the Display Privacy Icon section).

Prepare the Ad

  1. To integrate native ads in your iOS app, open Main.storyboard, add UI elements to your ViewController.
  2. Now that you have created all the UI elements for showing a native ad, you must reference these UI elements in the ViewController interface:
    //Native Ad UI Components
    @IBOutlet weak var nativeAdView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var iconView: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var mediaView: MediaView!
    @IBOutlet weak var titleLbl: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var ratingLbl: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var sponsorLbl: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var adTextLbl: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var downloadBtn: UIButton!
  3. You can access all the string values through public APIs. Assign the string values to your text fields (referring to the layout illustration above, these are fields 4, 5, 6, 8, and the button text in 9).
    self.titleLbl.text = self.nativeAd?.title
    self.ratingLbl.text = "Rating: \(nativeAd?.adStarRating ?? 0)"
    self.sponsorLbl.text = self.nativeAd?.sponsoredText
    self.adTextLbl.text = self.nativeAd?.bodyText
    self.downloadBtn.setTitle(self.nativeAd?.callToAction, for: .normal)

Display a Native Ad

There are two options regarding clickable areas when you display your native ad:

  • Option 1: You can make the entire ad area clickable, meaning that clicking anywhere on the ad registers an event. To do this, simply do not pass in clickable areas.
  • Option 2: You can designate clickable areas, and clicking only on those areas will register an event. To do this, pass in clickable areas as described below.

In both options, you will pass the UIViews through the API(s) shown, so that the Vungle SDK can attach the corresponding images to the UIViews. Each option is detailed below. For both options, note that:

  • View and mediaView are required; other arguments are optional.
  • ViewController is used to present SKStoreProductView; otherwise, SDK will use the top-most ViewController.
  • SDK will make all items in the clickableViews array for CTA clickable; if it’s nil, the SDK will make the view (container UIView) clickable.

Option 1: No Clickable Areas Specified; Entire Ad Is Clickable

Pass your UIViews (1, 2, and 3 in Native Ad UI Elements above) through the API(s) shown, so that the Vungle SDK can attach the corresponding images to the UIViews as shown:

/// Pass UIViews and UIViewController to prepare and display a Native ad.
/// - Parameters:
///   - view a container view in which a native ad will be displayed. This view will be clickable.
///   - mediaView a MediaView to display the ad's image or video
///   - iconImageView a UIImageView to display the app icon
///   - viewController a UIViewController to present SKStoreProductViewController
@objc public func registerViewForInteraction(view: UIView,
                                             mediaView: MediaView,
                                             iconImageView: UIImageView?,
                                             viewController: UIViewController?)


self.nativeAd?.registerViewForInteraction(view: self.nativeAdView,
                                          mediaView: self.mediaView,
                                          iconImageView: self.iconView,
                                          viewController: <YOUR_ViewController>)

Option 2. Specify Clickable Areas

To specify clickable areas within the native ad, you can include an array of UIView objects using the following API. With clickableViews registered, the advertised app can be presented to the user by clicking on a view.

/// Pass UIViews and UIViewController to prepare and display a Native ad.
/// - Parameters:
///   - view a container view in which a native ad will be displayed.
///   - mediaView a MediaView to display the ad's image or video.
///   - iconImageView a UIImageView to display the app icon.
///   - viewController a UIViewController to present SKStoreProductViewController.
///   - clickableViews an array of UIViews that you would like to set clickable.
///   If nil or empty, the mediaView will be clickable.
@objc public func registerViewForInteraction(view: UIView,
                                             mediaView: MediaView,
                                             iconImageView: UIImageView?,
                                             viewController: UIViewController?,
                                             clickableViews: [UIView]?)


self.nativeAd?.registerViewForInteraction(view: self.nativeAdView,
                                          mediaView: self.mediaView,
                                          iconImageView: self.iconView,
                                          viewController: <YOUR_ViewController>,
                                          clickableViews: [self.iconView, self.downloadBtn, self.nativeAdView])

Display Privacy Icon

Specify where the privacy icon will be displayed in your nativeAdView. You can choose from NativeAdOptionsPosition enum (.topLeft, .topRight, .bottomLeft, and .bottomRight), and set it to adOptionsPosition property.

self.nativeAd?.adOptionsPosition = .topRight

Dismiss the Native Ad

When the native display is completed, you can call unregisterView() to close the ad experience. You must also remove the delegate and set your native ad instance to nil.

self.nativeAd?.delegate = nil
self.nativeAd = nil

Register for Callbacks

To receive notifications for ad events, declare conformance to the VungleNativeDelegate protocol and implement callback methods. Each of the callback methods is optional, so you can implement only the methods you want.

extension LONativeAdViewController: VungleNativeDelegate {
    // Ad load Events
    func nativeAdDidLoad(_ native: VungleNative) {
    func nativeAdDidFailToLoad(_ native: VungleNative, withError: NSError) {
    // Ad Lifecycle Events
    func nativeAdDidFailToPresent(_ native: VungleNative, withError: NSError) {
    func nativeAdDidTrackImpression(_ native: VungleNative) {
    func nativeAdDidClick(_ native: VungleNative) {

Test a Native Ad

You can test a Native ad in one of two ways: by setting your app status to Test Mode so that Vungle can deliver test ads to your app, or by adding a test device to your app so that Vungle can deliver test ads specifically to the test device. Follow the instructions in Test Your Integration: Test Mode and Test Devices.

Additional Resources

Refer to our Native ad examples:


Need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us, we’re here to help!

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