Vungle Exchange Reporting Discrepancies

Vungle Exchange Reporting

Vungle Exchange provides spend and impression level reporting on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Please work with your account manager to discuss your reporting needs.

Vungle Exchange Impression Reporting

We support bURL, the industry standard billing URL, which a DSP can use to confirm billable impressions on the Vungle Exchange. Using bURL for impression tracking is the best proxy to use to confirm monthly billable impressions from VX and we recommend that all buyers on VX support this configuration.

For banners, Vungle Exchange will fire impression trackers when the banner container is loaded in the app.

For videos, Vungle Exchange will fire impression trackers when the first frame of the video is rendered.

Expected Discrepancies

Most bidders can expect a 1-5% discrepancy between their internal reporting and our Vungle Exchange impression reporting. This range is typical in a mobile exchange environment and is dependent on the ad format and each platform’s impression tracking logic.

Discrepancies in Billing Metrics

In the case of a discrepancy, Vungle Exchange’s internal data is the final reporting used for billing and payments.

Troubleshooting Discrepancies

Begin by verifying that a discrepancy exists, then troubleshoot by checking how you handle a number of fields.

Check the following:

  • Confirm that you are counting an ‘impression’ based on the bURL, and not an additional pixel within the ad markup.
  • Check that the reporting timezone aligns with the Vungle Exchange reporting timezone (UTC).

Discrepancy Checklist

When escalating a discrepancy to the Vungle Exchange team, please make sure to include as many of the following details as possible so we can investigate:

  1. Date the discrepancy started
  2. Impression data, broken down by day, ad format and SDK version/displaymanagerver
  3. Reporting timezone

You can use our data comparison sheet as a guide when compiling data. Please connect with your account manager directly for the specific information needed to investigate your discrepancy.


Need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us, we’re here to help!

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