Integrate Inline Ads

To integrate any ad format, you must first have completed the instructions in the basic integration article.

An inline ad is a full screen or non-full screen ad that seamlessly integrates within the app content. The publisher determines the location of the ad container within their app. Inline ads can display anywhere you specify on the screen, and the user can continue using the app while the ad plays.

inLine.png inline 2.png inline 3.png 


The Vungle SDK supports both standard and custom ad sizes.

Standard VungleAdSize

The following table lists the standard ad sizes:

VungleAdSize Constant Dimensions in DP (WxH)
VungleAdSizeBannerRegular 320 x 50
VungleAdSizeBannerShort 300 x 50
VungleAdSizeMREC 300 x 250
VungleAdSizeLeaderboard 728 x 90

Custom Ad Size

To define a custom banner size, set your size using VungleAdSizeFromCGSize:

let adSize = VungleAdSize.VungleAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSize(width: 300, height: 300))

Integrate Inline Ads Using the VungleBannerView Instance

Integrate inline ads using the VungleBannerView instance described in this article (the legacy VungleBanner instance you may be familiar with is deprecated).

The size of the inline ad container can be customized by passing the adView size to the SDK, or you can choose from the standard sizes, as described in the VungleAdSize section above.

Create an Inline Ad

  1. To integrate inline ads in your iOS app, open Main.storyboard, add a UIView to your ViewController, and name it InLineAdContainer.

  2. In your ViewController.swift file (or ViewController.h file for Objective-C), import VungleAdsSDK and add an instance variable for VungleBannerView.
    import UIKit
    import VungleAdsSDK
    class LOBannerViewController: UIViewController {
        @IBOutlet weak var bannerAdView: UIView!
        private var bannerAd: VungleBannerView?
  3. To create the Inline ads, use the VungleBannerView instance and create a custom ad size using VungleAdSize. Add the following code to your method where you want to prepare the VungleBannerView instance. You will need to provide the Placement ID and VungleAdSize. The Placement ID you use should have been set up in the Monetize Dashboard to work with the type of inline ad to be displayed.

    In addition to the standard ad Sizes, Vungle lets you serve any sized ad unit into an app. The ad size (width, height) defined for an ad request should match the dimensions of the VungleBannerView displayed on the app. To set a custom size, use the VungleAdSize API VungleAdSizeFromCGSize.
    let adSize = VungleAdSize.VungleAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSize(width: 300, height: 300))
    self.bannerAd = VungleBannerView(placementId: "placementId", vungleAdSize
    : adSize)
    self.bannerAd?.delegate = self

Note: You must set your ViewController (or any class that declares conformance to VungleBannerViewDelegate) to the delegate property of the VungleBannerView instance (refer to the Register for Callbacks section below).

Load and Play an Inline Ad

  1. Once you create the VungleBannerView instance, you can load an ad by calling load().
    // add the bannerAd instance as a subview to your view where you want to display the ad. 
  2. Your ViewController (or any class that conforms to VungleBannerViewDelegate) will receive notification of load success or error through delegate callback methods (refer to the Register for Callbacks section below).

Dismiss an Inline Ad

When the inline ad playback is completed, we recommend cleaning up the VungleBannerView instance by removing it from the parent view. In the example below, the bannerAdView is the superView of the VungleBannerView instance:

for subView in self.bannerAdView.subviews {
self.bannerAd?.delegate = nil
self.bannerAd = nil

Register for Callbacks

To receive notifications for ad events, declare conformance to the VungleBannerViewDelegate protocol and implement callback methods. Each of the callback methods is optional, so you can implement only the methods you want.

extension LOBannerViewController: VungleBannerViewDelegate {
    func bannerAdDidLoad(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
        print(" bannerAdDidLoad")
    func bannerAdWillPresent(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
    func bannerAdDidPresent(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
    func bannerAdDidFail(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView, withError: NSError) {
        print("bannerAdDidFailToPresent with error: \(withError.localizedDescription)")
    func bannerAdWillClose(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
        print(" bannerAdWillClose")
    func bannerAdDidClose(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
        print(" bannerAdDidClose")
    func bannerAdDidTrackImpression(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
    func bannerAdDidClick(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {
    func bannerAdWillLeaveApplication(_ bannerView: VungleBannerView) {

Test an Inline Ad

You can test an inline ad in one of two ways: by setting your app status to Test Mode so that Vungle can deliver test ads to your app, or by adding a test device to your app so that Vungle can deliver test ads specifically to the test device. Follow the instructions in Test Your Integration: Test Mode and Test Devices.

Additional Resources

  • Refer to our inline ad examples in Swift or Objective-C.


Need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us, we’re here to help!

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