Integrate Vungle SDK for Android or Amazon

Use this guide to monetize an Android or Amazon app with Liftoff. Integrating the Vungle SDK into your app is the first step toward displaying ads and earning revenue. Once you've integrated the SDK as instructed in this article, you can proceed to implement one or more of the supported ad formats.


  • Android Studio Electric Eel or higher
  • Android Gradle Plugin(AGP) v.7.4.2 or lower
  • This SDK targets devices running:
    • Android 7.1 or higher
    • Amazon OS 6 or higher
  • Recommended: Create a Liftoff account and register an app

Step 1. Add the SDK

You can add the Vungle SDK either through Maven Central (recommended) or manually.

Option 1. Maven Central (Recommended)

The Vungle SDK is available through Maven Central. Add the following into your project’s Gradle file:

implementation 'com.vungle:vungle-ads:7.4.2'

Option 2. Integrate Manually

Download the latest version of the Vungle SDK for Android/Amazon and link all the following dependencies in your project:

implementation files('libs/vungle-7.4.2.aar')
implementation files('libs/core-ktx-1.9.0.jar') implementation files('libs/kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm-1.4.1.jar') implementation files('libs/kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm-1.4.1.jar') implementation files('libs/okhttp-4.10.0.jar') implementation files('libs/okio-jvm-3.0.0.jar') implementation files('libs/protobuf-javalite-3.21.12.jar')

Step 2. Initialize the SDK

After you have successfully installed the SDK, you must initialize it.

  1. Open your project file.
  2. Add the following code snippet in your app:

    VungleAds.init(requireContext(), APP_ID, object : InitializationListener {
       override fun onSuccess() {
           Log.d(TAG, "Vungle SDK init onSuccess()")
       override fun onError(vungleError: VungleError) {
           Log.d(TAG, "onError(): ${vungleError.localizedMessage}")

Step 3. Integrate Ad Formats

Complete the SDK integration for each ad format you plan to display in your app. Refer to our instructions for each ad format:

Step 4. Further Customize Your Ads

Follow the instructions in our Advanced Settings article to fine-tune your app's integration with additional configuration options, such as GDPR, CCPA implementation, and other settings.


Need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us, we’re here to help!

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