Reports: Analyze and Export Your Data

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Use the Reports tab to examine the performance of your apps, campaigns, and creatives, slicing and dicing data as you wish at any level for up to the last six months. Under the graph is the Data Breakdown section for tabular data. You can manipulate the details of both the graph and the tabular report in different ways, and you can export all these contents into a CSV file.

Figure 1. Reports tab graph and Data Breakdown sections

Manipulate the Entire Reports Page

Some settings you choose will apply to both the graph and the tabular sections of the Reports page:

  • Select the metrics displayed by clicking on the gear () icon.

    Figure 2. Click on the gear icon for either the graph or the data breakdown to choose the metrics displayed

  • Click Download CSV and select a dimension by which to break down the data (application, campaign, country, etc.) to export the data to a comma-separated file, as shown in Figure 1, above. Selecting one dimension downloads a single CSV file directly to your computer. Selecting multiple dimensions downloads a ZIP file containing a separate CSV file for each dimension.

  • Use the kabob menu () to refresh the report or refresh the filters to default, as shown in Figure 1, above.

  • Apply filters. Right above the graph are filters you can apply to the entire Reports page.

    • Filter by time going back as far as six months: Click Last 7 Days to select from various time windows or define a custom window. 

      Figure 3. Filter by time: choose a relative time period or use the calendar to create a custom time filter 

      Note that the data toward for very recent days may be skewed, as it is still being collected. For example, if today is January 1 and you select to view data from December 15-December 31, expect to see a drop in performance for those last days in December, as data is still coming in for those outcomes.

    • Filter by Application, Campaign, Country, Creative, Platform, Publisher Application, and Optimization Type.

    • As you customize your filters, the data in the chart and table will change.

    • Filters reset after the you navigate away from the page.

Manipulate the Graph

By default the graph displays one metric over time for the last seven days (refer to Figure 1).

Metrics in the Graph

  • Immediately above the graph itself are metric tiles displaying the total for each metric: Impressions, Clicks, MMP Installs, Spend, and eCPM.
  • Click on a tile to see its metric graphed out.
  • You can control the metric selections by clicking the gear icon as shown in Figure 2, above.

Time Breakdown for the Graph

The graph's X axis is time. By default it's broken down by day, but you can change it to week or month by clicking View By as shown in Figure 1, above.

Comparison Graph

By default the graph plots the aggregated metric over time. You can turn it into a comparison graph by selecting up to five items within a dimension by which the metric will be broken down. Referring to Figure 4 below, click Compare and select a dimension for your comparison. Within the dimension, select up to five items to graphed simultaneously. (Click the X on the left of the Compare bubble to clear your selections and restore the graph to default mode.)

Figure 4. Click Compare to select up to five items within a dimension for your comparison graph.

The comparison graph, shown in Figure 5 below, breaks down the metric by your chosen items. Hovering over any point in the graph displays the legend and details for each item.

Figure 5. The comparison graph

Manipulate the Data Breakdown

The lower section of the Reports tab offers tabular data. 

Figure 6. The Data Breakdown section

Referring to Figure 6 above, notice that:

  • The first row of the table displays the totals for each column.
  • You can select the dimension for your data breakdown to see numbers by Application, Campaign, Creative, Country, Date, Platform, or Publisher Application.
  • You can control the metrics using the gear icon as described above.
  • You can sort by a column by clicking on its header; reverse the sort order by clicking again.


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