Vungle Exchange OpenRTB 2.5 Native Ad Integration

Use this article to integrate native ads into your bid responses following the Vungle Exchange OpenRTB 2.5 specifications. 

Native Ad File Types

  Image (Liftoff Monetize SDK v.6.11)
File type - JPG
File Size N/A
Platform - iOS
- Android

Supported Features

We DO support We do NOT Support

native.eventtrackers for impression tracking (preferred, as per the IAB OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads API
Specification Version 1.2, section 5.8)

native.imptrackers[] for impression tracking trackers[] for multi-party click trackers

🚫 native.jstracker for impression tracking

🚫 viewability trackers

🚫 for deep link fallback; currently, we only support link.url

🚫 GIF animation for the main image asset (you can pass a GIF, but Vungle Exchange will render it as a static image)

Technical Requirements for Bidders


Asset Type Required? Comments
Main Image JPG or PNG Yes


App Title/Brand Text Yes 25-character truncation
App Icon/Logo JPG or PNG Yes 80x80 minimum
App Text Text Yes 90-character truncation
CTA text Text No 15-character truncation
CTA destination URL No  
Star Ratings String No Float number as a string (e.g., “4.3”)
Sponsored Text Text No 25-character truncation
Privacy Icon JPG or PNG No  
Privacy URL URL No  

Asset ID

The asset ID is assigned by Vungle Exchange in the bid request. DSPs must respond with the asset ID value received in the bid request.

Asset ID Required? Description
1 Yes Main image
3 No CTA button URL
4 No CTA text
5 Yes App icon
6 Yes App title
7 Yes App text
8 No App rating
9 No Privacy icon
10 No Privacy URL
11 No Sponsored by

Image URL

The image URL must contain the correct file extensions. 

Valid example:

Valid example, with correct file extension
"img\": {\"url\": \"\"}

Invalid example:

Invalid example, without file extension

Clickthrough URL (Destination URL)

As per the IAB OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads API Specification Version 1.2, section 5.1, always include the clickthrough URL (or destination URL) in the object:

Field Required Type Description
link Yes Object

Destination Link. This is default link object for the ad. Individual assets can also have a link object which applies if the asset is activated (clicked). If the asset doesn’t have a link object, the parent link object applies.

Vungle Exchange also supports clickthrough URL (or destination URL) via Asset ID = '3' (CTA button URL). 
The clickthrough URL (or destination URL) passed via other assets, such as Image, App Icon, or App Title, will be ignored.

Open Measurement

When Open Measurement is available for a given bid request, Vungle Exchange will set imp.native.request.eventtrackers as {"event":555,"methods":[2]}.

Bid Request and Bid Response Examples

Bid Request Example

Bid Request Example
    "id": "",
    "imp": [{
            "Id": "",
            "Native": {
                "Request": "{
                "Ver": "1.2",
                "Context": 1,
                "Assets": [{
                    "id": 1,
                    "required": 1,
                    "img": {
                        "type": 3
                }, {
                    "id": 3,
                    "required": 1,
                    "data": {
                        "type": 11
                }, {
                    "id": 4,
                    "required": 1,
                    "data": {
                        "type": 12,
                        "len": 15
                }, {
                    "id": 5,
                    "required": 1,
                    "img": {
                        "type": 1,
                        "wmin": 80,
                        "hmin": 80
                }, {
                    "id": 6,
                    "required": 1,
                    "title": {
                        "len": 25
                }, {
                    "id": 7,
                    "data": {
                        "type": 2,
                        "len": 90
                }, {
                    "id": 8,
                    "data": {
                        "type": 3
                }, {
                    "id": 9,
                    "required": 1,
                    "img": {
                        "type": 1,
                        "w": 120,
                        "h": 120
                }, {
                    "id": 10,
                    "required": 1,
                    "data": {
                        "type": 11
                }, {
                    "id": 11,
                    "required": 1,
                    "data": {
                        "type": 1,
                        "len": 25
                "Eventtrackers": [{
                    "event": 1,
                    "methods": [1, 2]
                "Privacy": 1
            "api": [
            "battr": [
        }, "bidfloor": 0
    }], "at": 0

Bid Response Example

Bid Response Example
    "id": "66b1d4d2beafb87c702b65df",
    "seatbid": [
            "bid": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "impid": "1",
                    "price": 0.999,
                    "nurl": "",
                    "burl": "",
                    "lurl": "",
                    "adm":"{\"native\":{\"link\":{\"url\":\"https:\/\/\/link\"},\"assets\":[{\"id\":1,\"required\":1,\"img\":{\"url\":\"https:\/\/\/main_image.jpg\",\"h\":600,\"w\":1200}},{\"id\":4,\"data\":{\"value\":\"Open\",\"label\":\"\"}},{\"id\":5,\"required\":1,\"img\":{\"url\":\"https:\/\/\/app_icon.jpg\",\"h\":512,\"w\":512}},{\"id\":6,\"required\":1,\"title\":{\"text\":\"App Title\"}},{\"id\":7,\"data\":{\"value\":\"App Text\",\"label\":\"\"}},{\"id\":8,\"data\":{\"value\":\"4.0\",\"label\":\"\"}},{\"id\":9,\"img\":{\"url\":\"https:\/\/\/privacy_icon.jpg\",\"h\":120,\"w\":120}}],\"imptrackers\":[\"https:\/\/\/imp_url\"],\"privacy\":\"https:\/\/\/privacy\"}}",
                    "adid": "J0MUfcjmlNtg_HG5EOFmbFq",
                    "adomain": [
                    "bundle": "123456789",
                    "iurl": "",
                    "cid": "12345",
                    "crid": "12345_67890",
                    "cat": [
            "seat": "seatid"
    "cur": "USD"


Need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us, we’re here to help!

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