
If you have an Advertiser account you need help with, then please include this account type and id in request.

For regional response and language support, select location.

Please be specific in your choice as this will help route to correct group within Liftoff.

Please be specific as article suggestions will appear depending on subject contents.

Enter the details of your request. Our support staff will respond after review.

Select the platform (Android, iOS, Windows...)

Vungle Application ID or Application Name, If a placement or campaign please indicate here.

Please indicate the placement id(s)

Including mediation used, steps, or logs will help us understand the environment better.

Please include, so we can simulate environment if using Mediation!

If you have the Creative ID, then please include here.

Indicate if this is reproducible or not

How often does this occur? Every ad view or certain type of ad?

Please include a description of Ad. (Location, time of issue, application, platform)
