광고주 Postback API 문서


확실한 리포팅과 당신의 광고 캠페인들의 속성들을 제공하기 위해, 벙글은 당신의 앱 설치들을 추적해야 합니다. 이를 통해 우리는 당신의 캠페인들이 잘 돌아가는지, 퀄리티가 좋은 트래픽과 유저들에게 당신의 앱이 가는지를 확인합니다. 벙글에게 앱 설치 정보를 보내는 가장 흔한 방법은 3rd 파티 트래킹 솔루션을 이용하는 것입니다.


광고주 Postback API

TAKE NOTE : 2014년 8월 1일부터, Google Play Store에 업로드되는 모든 앱들은 다른 identifier들 대신 Play Services Advertising ID를 받드시 사용해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 Play Store에서 방출 당할 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는 Google Play Services Documentation에서 확인하세요.

API Version 3

We have the same API end point for both the iOS and Android platforms, but each requires different parameters. The base endpoint is:
At a minimum, the request must contain your Vungle App ID, and a device ID of some kind. See below for the list of accepted parameters:

GET Query Parameters
app_id The App ID listed in red on your application's page on the Vungle Dashboard. If your app isn't on the Dashboard yet, then be sure to add it.
ifa The identifierForAdvertising, a UUID provided by Apple for iOS devices since iOS 6. This is the preferred device identifier for iOS.
aaid The Advertising ID, a UUID provided by Google Play Services 4.0+, compatible with Android 2.3+. This is the preferred device identifier for Android.
isu A parameter for when preferred device identifiers cannot be used. 

When the iOS IFA cannot be used (such as devices OpenUDID here. 

When the Play Services Advertising ID cannot be used (such as devices without Google Play Services 4.0+), you may pass an Android ID here.
conversion *required Required parameter used for attribution. Setting conversion=1 means that Vungle will attempt to attribute the install. Setting conversion=0 means that Vungle will not attempt to attribute it. 

The benefit of passing all installs to Vungle is that we then know not to target your campaigns at those devices if they are on our network. This improves your conversion rates and thus improves your campaign performance in our network, which may give you access to more inventory.
trk Optional parameter for tracking. If trk=mat (MobileApp Tracking), the conversion parameter is required.
event_id Parameter used for attribution. This is used across events such as clicks, installs and views, to help Vungle attribute installs.

Thus, in a typical case, for each install which your app registers, you will send a GET request to our endpoint of the form:




API Versions 1 & 2

DEPRECATED : The Mobile API Versions 1 & 2 (for both Android and iOS) are no longer supported, along with MAC-based attribution.


Need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us, we’re here to help!

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