The Campaigns tab has everything you need to manage existing campaigns or create new ones. Access the Campaigns tab at
Review and Manage Campaigns
This is the main campaigns page: it displays all the existing campaigns under a specific app, and is also a starting point for creating a new campaign.
The main Campaigns page lists all your campaigns, their active dates, budgets, bids, and campaign types, and more. You can learn the status of each campaign on this page as well: campaigns can be Active (serving ads, denoted by a green dot) or Paused (not serving ads, denoted by a red dot).
In this page, you can:
- Filter your campaigns list, search for a campaign by name, or page through all your campaigns
- You can filter campaigns by Application, by Bid Type (CPM, CPI, etc.) by Deletion Status (Deleted, Active), by Network Type, by Optimization Type (Manual or Automated - ROAS), by Platform (Android, iOS), and by Status (Active, Pending, Rejected)
- Select which columns to display by clicking on the gear icon in the top right
- Pause or activate a campaign by clicking on the drop-down menu (⋮) at the end of the row
- Click to review campaign details by clicking on either the campaign name or on the drop-down menu (⋮) at the end of the row
- Create a new campaign by clicking Add Campaign in the top right
Create a Campaign
Step 1. Add a New Campaign
- Access the Campaigns tab at or select the Campaigns tab from the left menu panel.
- All the apps under your account display. Select the app for which you want to create a campaign.
All the subsequent screens in this flow help you flesh out your Campaign with tracking, targeting, and bidding details, and finish by asking you to attach a creative and then review your work.
Step 2. For iOS Apps With SKAdnetwork Enabled, Set Campaign SKAdnetwork Options
If your iOS app is SKAdnetwork-enabled (your account manager can help you with that); you can enable or disable SKAdNetwork for each campaign you create. This section displays only if your application is SKAdNetwork-enabled. Learn more about SKAdNetwork here.
- Enable or disable SKAdnetwork for this campaign.
- Select the type of billing and reporting for apps on iOS 14. Select SKAdnetwork for campaigns where MMP can no longer provide attribution.
Step 3. Fill In Campaign Details
- Enter an informative, unique name for your campaign.
- Enter the campaign’s start and end dates. You can specify dates, or your campaign can start immediately. It can also run indefinitely.
Step 4. Set Up Tracking For Your Campaign
Set up tracking for your campaign by providing your tracking URLs from your MMP dashboard to properly configure attribution. We support Adjust, AppsFlyer, Kochava, Singular, Tenjin, Branch/Tune.
- Enter the Click URL and the Impression URL.
- Optionally add more events you want to track. You can choose from Creative Start (when 0% of the video has been viewed), 1st Quartile (when 25% of the video has been viewed), Midpoint (when 50% of the video has been viewed), 3rd Quartile (when 75% of the video has played), and additional options.
- Click Continue.
Step 5. Set Up Targeting For Your Campaign
Note that limiting your targeting options severely reduces your available impressions.
- You can target by geographic region (continent, country), but note that this will reduce your available inventory of impressions.
You can target specific device platforms, models, and OS versions; and you can target devices based on their connectivity.
Device Model Targeting: Android, Windows, and Amazon application campaigns provide a device targeting feature. Use it by selecting either Allow or Deny and specifying a list of devices.
Note: Use this feature with caution; severe limitations can have a great impact on your campaign. Device targeting can greatly restrict the scale of your campaign. When designing a list of devices to either target or exclude from your campaign, make sure that you are targeting enough active devices to meet your goals. In some cases, it makes more sense to target using retail prices or other parameters. Please contact your account manager for help planning your targeting.
- You can target Publisher apps by their app IDs. To do this, select either Allow (target only the apps listed) or Deny (do not target the apps listed), and then enter the Publisher IDs (separated by commas, spaces, or newlines) of the apps to which you want to apply that action.
You can find Publisher IDs in the Reports section, or by using the Advertising Reporting API.
Because allowing and denying Publisher apps can have a serious impact on your campaign, we recommend that you first run a campaign without either.
Step 6. Set Up Bidding and Multi-Bidding
You can select a manual (CPI, CPCV, CPM, CPV, CPC) or automatic (ROAS) bidding model.
Manual Bidding
Manual bidding includes CPI, CPCV, CPM, CPV, and CPC bid types.
- Select a Bid Type:
- CPI: Cost Per Install is recommended for campaigns already at scale, whose targeting is well defined and sufficiently broad.
- tCPI: Target Cost Per Install is a good way to quickly scale a campaign while reducing spend volatility. Install costs may be higher at the start of the campaign.
- CPCV: Cost Per Completed View is recommended for video-based campaigns whose videos should be watched in entirety.
- CPM: Cost Per Mille (thousand impressions) is ideal for campaigns with static ads focused on reach.
- CPV: Cost Per View is recommended for video-based campaigns where the CTA appears earlier and video completion is not essential for impact.
- CPC: Cost Per Click bid type is reserved for the Account Strategy team. It is recommended for non-install focused campaigns, such as shopping or travel sites.
- Enter a Bid Amount between $0.01 and $10.00.
For campaigns that are already running, you’ll be able to use our Multi-Bidding feature.
Optional: Multi-Bidding
Use multi-bidding to specify how much you're willing to bid by publisher or by any publisher/country combination, or to specify country-level default bids.
You can easily upload multiple custom bids simultaneously through a single CSV file, simply adding or removing multi-bidding rows. You can edit existing bids, create new ones, or remove publisher or country bids. With full bidding granularity, you can bid smarter for higher ROAS, using fewer campaigns.
To use multi-bidding:
- In the Campaign's Bidding section, click Download Example CSV.
- Update the CSV with any of the following combinations:
• publisher app ID and bid rate
• publisher app ID, country (geo), and bid rate
• geo and bid rate — use an asterisk (*) in the publisher app ID column to set this as the country default bid. - Save your CSV file.
- Back in the Campaign's Bidding section, drag and drop your CSV file or click Browse.
- Click on any bid to edit it or easily add or delete a single row (as shown below), or bulk delete.
- File must be in .csv format.
- Publisher App Liftoff ID must be correct; Publisher App Name does not.
- Campaigns support up to 100,000 publisher bids at a time.
- Safari is not supported at this time.
Watch these videos to learn more about multi-bidding:
- How to set Multi-Bidding by publisher apps in under 60 seconds
- How to set Multi-Bidding by countries in under 60 seconds
Automatic (ROAS) Bidding
Automatic bidding optimizes your campaigns for Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). In simplest terms, it optimizes your ads to reach users who are more likely to make in-app purchases.
ROAS is the revenue gained from a user, compared to what it cost you to get that user. It is calculated as the revenue from a user divided by the user’s CPI. A ROAS campaign aims to programmatically reach the desired ROAS percent within a target horizon window.
For ROAS to work properly, we need postbacks from you about your users' post-install activity. Refer to the article about our Install Postback API to learn how to send us this data. ROAS calculations require the following information:
- user acquisition cost (user-level CPIs for the specific app in question)
and - user revenue
For ROAS to function properly, your app must have at least 20 paying users in the last 28 days. Note that Liftoff takes into account only in-app purchase data when calculating revenue; we do not currently consider the ad revenue earned while the user is using the app, but we plan to include it in future iterations of our ROAS feature.
To benefit from automatic bidding optimized for ROAS, select the Automatic (ROAS) option.
- Select a Target Horizon Date. This defaults to D7, meaning that we will target users who are likely to spend on the app within seven days of install.
- Set a Target ROAS. This is the cumulative revenue you want to earn, expressed as a percentage of your ad spend. A target of 10%, for example, means you seek to earn $20 on a $200 ad spend within the time window you specified as the Target Horizon Date.
- Set a Maximum CPI Bid. This maximum overrides the Target ROAS in cases where a bid may go too high. For example, if your Target ROAS is 10% and a user is predicted to generate $300, we would normally bid $30 for that user. But if your Maximum CPI Bid is $20, we will cap the bid at $20.
Step 7. Attach a Creative
Finally, attach one or more creatives you have built in the Creative Manager.
Build a New Creative in the Creative Manager
To build a creative:
- Select a category; we support Playables (for approved accounts only), Full Screen, MREC, and Banner. Learn more about these creative types in our Creative Asset Requirements article.
- Within each category is one or more Creative Type (for instance, Full Screen offers Looping Video, Carousel, and Gradient types).
- Select a type and upload the necessary assets, indicate the language of the creative, give it a meaningful name, and click Create & Add This Creative Below.
Learn more about Creative Manager, building creatives, and creative asset requirements.
Attach an Existing Creative
You can also attach an existing creative. Under the Creative Manager, you can view a list of any creatives already built within this app, and select to attach one or more to your campaign. Here’s what the list looks like if creatives already exist within this app:
You can apply filters to locate the creatives you have in mind.
Attach Creatives for SKAdnetwork Campaigns
If this is a SKAdnetwork-enabled campaign, there are limitations on the number of creatives you can attach. For example, for a Full Screen campaign, you can attach a total of four creatives: two for each orientation (portrait and landscape). MREC and Banner SKAN-billed campaigns are only allowed one creative each per campaign.
Enable A/B Test to attach a second set of creatives and compare the performance of the two sets, as discussed in the next section.
Note: Toggling A/B Test on or off detaches all creatives from the campaign. If you attach creatives and then toggle the A/B Test option in either direction, you will have to reattach creatives.
A/B Test SKAdnetwork Campaign Creatives
We provide A/B testing functionality for SKAdnetwork campaigns.
To run an A/B test:
Enable the A/B Test option in the Attached Creatives page for your SKAdnetwork campaign (recall that toggling the A/B Test option in either direction detaches any previously attached creatives).
Enabling A/B Test creates a second column in the Attached Creatives page.
The first column contains the creatives you have already attached; this becomes Set A, your control set.
The second column is Set B, your test set. Set B is initially empty and requires that you attach a counterpart for every creative in Set A. - Attach a creative to Set B for every creative already in Set A. To run an A/B test, all creatives within the two sets cannot be identical: at least one creative in Set B must differ from its Set A counterpart.
- Contact your account manager to learn how your A/B test fared.
Step 8. Save and Activate Your Campaign
You have now created an App and a Campaign with at least one Creative.
- Complete the Review page with all your campaign settings.
- Click Save & Activate Campaign.